"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez
"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Like a Vapor

Today Solomon had his 4 month check up. He is now 16 pounds and 26 inches! I feel like everyday is going by so fast! Before I know it he will be starting school. It reminds me that our life here on earth is so short and compared to eternity it is like a vapor. This verse says it well: 'Man is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow.' (Psalm 144:4) When it is cold outside and you exhale, you can see your breath, but only for a second and then it is gone. That is how short our lives are. That is also a reminder to me that I need to not put things off for tomorrow, because like James says, 'yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.' I hope this encourages you to minister to those around you today and don't wait for tomorrow because tomorrow might not come.

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