"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez
"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Planning: Good or Not?

This week in our Titus Two study in the book of James we went through verses 4:13-17 and James is telling his readers to be careful when you make plans to not boast about your plans that haven't even happened yet. I know God wants us to plan carefully and with wisdom because that would be unwise of us to just throw our day together the morning we wake up: "I guess today I will go to the store, wait maybe I will just do laundry" and then nothing gets done! What James is saying is to not make plans without consulting God. In verse 15 it says, 'Instead you ought to say, if the Lord wills we will live and also do this or that'. So then do we have to always say 'If the Lord wills, I will have pancakes for breakfast'? I don't think so, but we should always remember that God is sovereign and His plans are always over our plans. He alone knows the future, our life is like a vapor and we don't know what our life will be like tomorrow. I think of Mary who probably had all kinds of plans with her future husband Joseph and then suddenly an angel of the Lord appears to her and her life is completely turned around. Are we ready for a change in what we think are our 'perfect plans' for the future? I guarantee you that the Lord probably has something different planned for us than what we think 'should' happen, but it is always for our good. Thank God He doesn't allow our lives to go the way WE plan, but the way He has planned it.


Bessiedavid said...

Thank you so much for that sweet reminder. There is a balance but that balance needs to be rooted and founded on God's sovereignty and perfect plan for our lives. BTW, your boy is soo adorable. I love them cheeks! - Bess

Myra said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lindsey! Very encouraging! Now copy and paste right over into an e-mail to our Ladies Loop! Don't hold out on us!