"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez
"You've never lived 'til you've met Christ!" ~Steve Fernandez

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Opportunity to share of God's mercy

For those of you who don't have Facebook, here is the link to watch the video of Troy's speech

Troy was given a huge opportunity to speak at an 8th grade graduation at a public school in Vallejo.  Even though he's never done anything even close to this, he knew he couldn't pass it up.  If the Lord is with him then he's ready to go!  The first picture I posted is him right before he went to speak at the graduation.  The second picture is Giovanni realizing he's not going with daddy, and Solomon is just in his own world :)  The amazing thing about this whole thing, is that even though he's speaking at a public school, he was free to mention his faith and God's mercy on him.  He even quoted a few scriptures at the end. Now in this day and age,  that is unheard of!  I'm so thankful that Troy was finally able to share with others God's great mercy on him and how he was delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to Christ's kingdom of light. I especially like the part when he said he has no excuses to justify his life of purging in sin.  No one, no situation, no surrounding to blame but himself.  Just like Troy, if it weren't for God's mercy on us, we would be dead in our sins and on the path to hell.  Praise God who lavishes His love and mercy on us, not only undeserving, but ILL DESERVING people!  I also want to point out that even though this was way out of Troy's comfort zone to do this,  he did not back down.  He put Christ's glory in the forefront of his heart and asked the Lord to help him accomplish His work.  So when you are presented with an opportunity to serve Christ that may be out of your comfort zone, but you feel the Spirit's tug at your heart, don't back down.  You will lose out on major blessings of trusting in the Lord to help you and give you the strength to do it!


MamaBoncx said...

Amen! That's right, don't back down! Christ is worthy!!

What an awesome opportunity Troy had. Al and I were both listening intensely to his testimony. At the end, both of us were clapping :) God gave Troy such boldness and clarity. May God use his life to bring many to Christ!

Lindsey J. said...

may we all have a spirit of boldness to share the gospel and a heart of compassion compassionfor the lost!